Farewell to a pro

There aren't too many television programs that I watch regularly, or would worry about setting the VCR for (no, I don't have TiVo yet), but The West Wing has always been a favorite of mine. And a big reason for the show's appeal was the beautifully nuanced work of John Spencer as Leo McGarry. I was surprised by how sad I was to hear of his sudden death last Friday. It must be because he let so much of himself seep into his portrayal of Leo that I felt I knew him somehow. He was a fantastic actor, whose thoughts registered in his eyes with a subtlety and truth that is not easy to find when surrounded by crew, lights, sets and a camera. And his Leo was not only wonderfully human, but he also made us believe he could run the country. Some actors get on that show and seem lost in the haze of dialogue, acronyms and Washington-speak. Not John Spencer. He owned every word with a quiet dignity. In reading obituaries it sounds like he had his own demons. A drinking problem that he finally kicked about 15 years ago. No mention of any kind of family. But his work lives on every night in the endless West Wing re-runs (that I must watch if I stumble upon them!). I chose this picture because he is receiving his one Emmy for Leo (he was nominated, I believe, five times), and the quiet, dedicated actor looks so happy for the recognition. God bless.